Ahmer Yasin, a successful web entrepreneur from Pakistan

Rana Ahmer Yasin lives in Pakistan and is passionate to make our world a better world. Through his failures and successes, we are invited to follow his career and passion for the web and solving modern challenges.
In this 2nd episode of the podcast World Web Stories, David has the pleasure to interview Rana Ahmer Yasin, a software web entrepreneur from Pakistan. Ahmer is passionate about entrepreneurship and solving real problems. Through failures and successes, we learn what it takes to be passionate and believe in our own ideas. Ahmer brings us to a country with his difficulties but also his opportunities. Welcome to Pakistan!
- Follow your ideas and trust in yourself, even no one or only few believe in you
- Entrepreneurship is a journey with failures and successes
- Be bold in whatever you achieve in life
- You have the power to make other lifes better
David Dias: [00:00:00] I have the great pleasure to be with for another episode of the podcast, World Web Stories. Welcome!
Ahmer Yasin: [00:00:17] Thank you so much, David, it's already been a pleasure to be here.
David Dias: [00:00:20] Where are you from?
Ahmer Yasin: [00:00:21] Actually I'm from Pakistan and actually I'm living in Karachi is one of the most, this'll be the fastest city of my country. And it is the most developed city should be where we are. We are working on different kinds of technologies here. So actually Karachi is one of the most populated city in Pakistan. So we have almost a 3 billion, three 30 million people here, living here and. And I love Karachi so much.
David Dias: So you've been born in, in Karachi or?
Ahmer Yasin: Yes.
David Dias: So you leave your all life in Karachi. You're actually working there, like what do you do in life?
Ahmer Yasin: Actually I am a software entrepreneur, I've been working in the software industry since last 8 years actually, and Assad in my career as a web developer.
David Dias: [00:01:11] I'm really curious what, how all the whole story started. Do you remember the, like the first time you did something, you code something?
Ahmer Yasin: [00:01:20] Yeah, sure. I can explain that to you if I was already in plastic and story, because I wasn't, I'm not a computer programmer and, and fortunately it's also, unfortunately I am not a CS strategy, so I don't have any degree and not a graduated guy. And I was started working as a hardware engineer in a different, from that I learned I was a cell phone guy, so I meet a guy in a firm. Who was a computer programmer and working in a visual, basic visual, basic software. And when I meet him and the song he got rid of the skills, man, he can do whatever he wants to in programming. So he tells me about it. Um, and I asked him, um, can I be a programmer? So he just said, if you can. create logics. If you can understand this stuff, if you can solve problems, you can be a program. So it was 2011. When I was doing a job as an it manager, I met that guy and he told me to start a small short courses.
And then, my journeys has to stop. So. My journey begins at 2013 and I have started making little shock courses. One is the cloud computing, which is a JavaScript is programming and is running into to the PHP, which is basically a PhD PSP. And my secret code is for the web development side. And it was really, a lucky I was meeting. I'm very lucky in this space. You know why? Because. When I was doing my shot poses, I got a job within a couple of months. And it was really inspiring for other peoples. And I got my first internship and I started my career at a firm named called inspire. So, and there was, I was started as a PHP in trend developer.
And then I moved my technology to Java side because I love JavaScript. And Java soup is one of the most, best language I've ever worked with. And the time to time I. Got more opportunities. I got different jobs. I got different projects. I started freelancing and then I got an approachability to work with international clients as well.
And then the times has been, simply passing. So I realized I can be an entrepreneur as well. So I started full-time freelancing and then I started my own software firm.
David Dias: [00:03:50] It's a big challenge, starting a new company.
Ahmer Yasin: [00:03:54] Yeah, it was really a big challenge because you will see, if you do have a job, like if you're earning like a very good number of money and in your family's very happy and you're trying to take a risk, it is a big challenge. And the big challenges the people thought it's an underdeveloped country. So the people thought that starting at a startup, it's, it's quite difficult, period in Pakistan. It is. But not exactly what it's looked like because. If you do have a passion, you can do whatever you want to do. So I got that Gertz. I took that risk and I left my job as a lead developer in a firm. And it was like, like $3,000 upfront salary at 2015. And, you can't even imagine that time. That was a huge amount for. For a guy like us here who just started a carrier from another, basically what I can see. I don't know if it could lead to this programming site. So it was a huge amount and I left that job and just because to start my own firm and I just an only $300 a month for almost six months. And it was just only a feeding amount for me. W
David Dias: [00:05:04] What was the reaction of your friends and relatives? When you said gay one to open my own fear or how they, how they reacted.
Ahmer Yasin: [00:05:13] Actually do the people say to me, you're a mad guy, crazy. You left your job. Everyone disappointed me and said that you were doing great in your firm and you have just kind of stuff. You can, you can even buy cars that time. You can, you can buy the house. lots of de-motivation. I got from my relatives, my friends, even in my closest friend who said to me, and I never listened to them, you know, I, because. If you have, if you already thought about it and someone's trying to distract you, don't distract you, distract yourself. I don't recommend anyone because if you do have a passion and do have an idea, and which you already believe that it can work, do give your 101 person for that. And. After the six month, I got my first big project in my phone and I hired few people, which was like a huge achievement for me.
Wow. And that dime, basically I attached to God and I feel like I'm just flying because, because my first ever $5,000 project, which actually got by my own self, and then time to time when the time actually passing. People skim to me. Well, actually those friends who actually tried to email me, came to me and asked me to help them to start a business
David Dias: [00:06:38] before all of that. What was your, do you remember your biggest fear when you went to the process of starting and then when you reached and you started having like employees and all the stuff, like, do you remember your biggest fear at that time?
Ahmer Yasin: [00:06:55] yes. The, one of the biggest fear is, think about my team because if the people who actually have an hope on you and the part he is, our leader, if he gone do what we can do that time. So, you know, it was like a biggest fear for me just to be up to the mark for them. Number one. And another thing is I, I faced a very, what I can say. It was kind of really, it was like a nightmare, you know, because, one day me and my partner and my other co-founder, let's thinking to say our assets just to pay the salaries off the team members.
So, in that time I really afraid. And I thought, man, did I, did I did something good or wrong because this is the time what has happened. And if I saw the past one years ago and I had everything. And that time I was trying to sell my car. I was trying to save my bike, just to pay this, to pay the salary of my team members, to feed them the feed, their families.
It was like a nightmare. But as I said, if you do have a purpose and if you all really think about it, don't.
David Dias: [00:08:11] Give up, you had the goal and you had the target you needed to go and you needed to try even, you would lose a lot. At least you tried. And in either way, you will succeed because you, you reach your goal and you, you face these challenges and you move forward. That's that's awesome.
Ahmer Yasin: [00:08:33] Really move on and, believe me, I will have approximately 35 Devin, a person. Oh, sorry. That time. Basically I had 35 debit of Bruce, at 2018. And then it's really a huge number in Pakistan because you are belongs to, if, if you're not belongs to us computer science background and the people are actually inspired by that. Like if, if I can do anyone can do that. So you,
David Dias: [00:09:06] you, you, you knew this time, a lot of people working in the same area as you. Yes. Okay. So it's, you know, a lot of people working with web and computer and this kind of stuff.
Ahmer Yasin: [00:09:21] Yes actually, it is also a very funny story. It was like a de-motivation side and I bought that motivator and I can want it to that negative into the positivity.
My one of my cousin, actually, he was a computer science master's guy. He has done master of engineering and computer science, and he never teach me a single word of computer. It was the, one of the biggest negativity I've seen in my life. Um, that negativity actually. Give me, what I can say made me stronger to learn things enough because I want to show to the people like, if you cannot tell me it doesn't matter, I can learn by my own self and I can make things better than you. And believe me, he's just a teacher till now. And. Right now I'm here. I can talk to you about the
David Dias: [00:10:11] thing. So how did you, how did you know where to like you, you, so you, you are a self taught person and you learn stuff. I imagine from the web internet tutorial, this kind of stuff. Um, It was easy for you to find where you were or to start, because a lot of times when people start doing code and all that, they don't know where to go. It's, it's a challenge that I like a lot of people I, I know, faced in the, in the beginning was the same for you. Or you found a way to, to know exactly or to, to have a better understanding where you should
Ahmer Yasin: [00:10:52] go. I pity, it finds it difficult, but it was a difficult, but I had a one on one pitch because I self-learned a networking side by my own self and a computer hardware side. So I can also pick computers. If you want me to repair your computer, I can defer it so I can repair that. That is stuff. So I got a job just because of that. My skill.
David Dias: [00:11:18] So you already knew like that process of learning and, and,
Ahmer Yasin: [00:11:24] yup. So after the, actually getting my admission. I got very good mentors in my life. Everyone needs a mentor because, if anyone wants to start, okay, it's not difficult to find this stuff in internet. It's true. But if you find a good mentoring life, it will really helpful for you to become a good programmer because the person will tell you the path. Not the actual technology, because the part is very important. if you aren't on the right track, you can achieve something. But if you are trying to, one suggestion, I want to give to our listeners as actually, don't become a Jack of all. Don't think about that. don't actually go everywhere and not think about everything. Just pick a one stuff. Single stuff and be master of it. And then you can easily achieve all other technologies, all other languages, and you become a very good web developer for that. Just pick a one.
David Dias: [00:12:23] That's a really great advice. That's a really great advice. So you, yeah. So you, you, you ma so what, what did you choose? So you said, you talked about PHP, drought, a script that's, that's how you started everything, right?
Ahmer Yasin: [00:12:38] Yes actually. So basically, I was so inspired by JavaScript. So I moved my all my past few months experience to the JavaScript side until the, now I'm only working in Dallas website and I'm very happy with it because Java script is actually working in everywhere right now. Not in a level only. Yeah, not in a lab and you can also double the moment obligation in JavaScript. You can also develop Dexter labs, all to write servers in node JS. So I'm very happy with it. And David Dias: [00:13:11] cool. And so you were talking about like creating your own company, um, how, how it went, like you create your company. So you started to get a little bit more money, more clients. Tell me more about how it went.
Ahmer Yasin: [00:13:28] Okay. So basically, I have like, um, VR friends who started our career together and feel them actually wants to start a business, but they were very scared about taking a risk. So I approached them first just because I was a born kind of a businessman boy. I sold so many different styles when I was eight years old. And then times the timeline, I just want it to be. an intrepreneurial. So I, I was trying almost every experience in my life. Like I sold, what I can say. I sold toothbrush and imaginary toothbrushes. So I have sold t-shirts quads, you know, government, everything. David Dias: [00:14:08] When you were a child.
Ahmer Yasin: [00:14:09] Yeah, but no, as a child, when I was at eight years when I started, so I go out and I say, I, I, actually I just asked my mom, mom, I just want to start my business. Mom's salary. Are you serious? You're just an auntie it's and hot boy. I'm going to start it. Does it. I don't know. I just want to start a business. And she said, okay. Okay. So what do you want to say? I say anything what I can say. So she said, okay, just choose one thing. So I'll buy you that stuff. And then you're going to start your own business.
So, wow. I, I go outside in that age to the shop and I saw I stuck with what is good for sale and I choose to brushes. I said, I want to save toothbrushes. So she bought me a packet of 12 piece of toothbrushes and they go outside and I tried to seal to my neighbors and they was actually saw, I made you, came to the doors taps and, and say, oh, really?
You want to sell this? Yes. Okay. How much does it cost? And they asked me, how is it cost? I said, I bought it in, in 12 cents. So I want to send, I want to say it in 18 cents. And believe me. My second neighbors buy all my toothbrushes and it gives me motivation and all the, all the toothbrushes. And it's given me motivation to start different ways.
So when we started our carrier in a programming, so one of my few friends actually wants to start, but we have a scared, I approached them and that time they just, actually ignore my offer. But after. Feel it after shitty couple of years, they contacted me when I was doing a job. And at another city of Pakistan named called Islamabad, I've been actually, I spended an ear there as a lead dealer, but I got an abortion there as a lead junior. So my friend called me and he said, I just want to start a business. So I'm ready to do a partnership to sanity, desatting and the Westwind money. And I'm going to be, I'm going to actually rent an office. And I said, are you serious? You're not kidding me. Is it? Yes. Okay. I'm ready. I'm coming back to Karachi by next week. I'm sending you the money right now. Just book an office. And when I came back, I want my table there. And he was so actively motivated that time and he just did it. And when I came back to Karachi my own city, he had, he hired one Devin, bro. He got to one small project and he just started a business, said, this is your seat. Mr CEO. So you can, you can rule us. Okay. Well, thank you so much, man. I'm really glad. And that then we don't have a lots of money and we lose that and we lost everything. As I told you the first six months whilst really struggling.
David Dias: [00:17:07] how it decided. And then after that, what one, like how in the company you utilize everything. So what, what you, what you did after that?
Ahmer Yasin: [00:17:17] Okay. So, basically, I got an opportunity to work with a candidate firm named called blockchain Foundry, and which has a blockchain product. They have their own client name called Cisco. And so that contract was a huge contract and the are the bullets founders are working for them and our teams are working for different projects. So we just thought if we can, we can automate the whole system. So we can also cry too. We can also try some other stuff as well. So we try to build that remote capability, that capability of teams that time. So we set up different projects to different people, and they are actually that new director to us. So we are kind of a project managers and we said the whole team as a remote devotee person right now, we are trying different stuff. So after that, I got an Bush and indeed to work with the Pakistan biggest startups and, the biggest startup, one of a huge name is air lift. And if it's one of the air live is one of the biggest startup of Pakistan who actually raised 24 million daughter in an ear.
And believe me, is it, it started by myself condominium and it's a great, it's a great . I actually worked at an after. The 1.5 years of spending at airlift, I pod it's good enough to work with them. And right now I just, I missed need to move on to then some of other stuff, because my goal is to understand the whole industry and how can we solve the different problems for the different kinds of industries to make things automated. So I choose, a logistic side and after that I got an opportunity to develop the Pakistan first, ever. The tracking truck tracking solution for a proper B2C model, and which has a proper tracking, you can send your goods to once it's do another city did that. And I actually described that set up, which will be live maybe within few days. For sure. We'll tell you about it. And, basically I left the ellipse and my things are actually working auto, like remotely, everything is automated so I can enjoy my life. I can try, what do I want to do? And I also started a one more product, which is actually belongs to healthcare industry. So because I am I'm living here and I know what kind of a problem you're facing in different.
Basically, what I give in section one of the most underdeveloped section in my country is held actually. So I feel we need to do something about how so I designed a product for healthcare industry, and I'm not right now. I'm trying to actually raise funds for that. So
David Dias: [00:20:06] let's see. Did you start working on that project a few months ago? Basically?
Ahmer Yasin: [00:20:11] I'll add my pot Dame, they documented and a hive, and I hired a freelancers, the junior developers for that. And it was actually about, of my team right now. So I hired them, the couple of people and they up and they follow my instruction. Do I want what I want to do? And design, complete the designs and give them products.
So my prototype is almost ready and right now I am actually, trying to getting in restaurant, um, actually, trying to actually onboard any restaurant for my product. So it is, it is a very interesting and very good product for Pakistan, for sure. So
David Dias: [00:20:52] it's really interesting. So tell me if I'm seeing something wrong, I want to hear, but, um, you cited like, um, as a small child, as an intrepreneur when we were a child and then you grew up and you. Sorry, doing coding and the Sten like code and how everything works. And you went back to that intrepreneurship and you like, usually we say that developers are their problem, salt problem solvers. but you've been doing even more than just. Solving technical problems. You're trying to see what, where you live, what may be me seeing and the, where you can act and do something about it and propose solutions about it. Am I right? Yes.
Ahmer Yasin: [00:21:43] Yes, exactly. That's the goal.
David Dias: [00:21:48] Nice. Pretty good. So tell me a little bit more about the context. So you said like preserving Pakistan health is. Not really good. Um,
Ahmer Yasin: [00:21:59] yeah, I think this is good enough, but I'm talking about the technical aspects, you know, I see the problem we are facing in the healthcare industry is related to the consumer side because the customer's facing a lots of cues. When you go to the hospitals, you need to wait a lot in the corridor when you're actually the numbers come and then you can go for the checkup. And this is one of the biggest problem on the thing is like, if you're sick, how can you wait outside for like maybe an hour? So this is the one problem I think, which needs to be resolved. Another thing is what I feel actually, there is no centralized database of the healthcare industry. It needs it. David Dias: [00:22:39] Oh no, I see what you mean. I see what you mean.
Ahmer Yasin: [00:22:43] No, there's not a single kind of centralized database. So every hospital can. The, the patient, the previous information so they can solve things better. But, right now, unfortunately not a single hospital wants the systems. So actually the problem is not belongs to people. The problem is belongs to actually the businessman's what I'm trying to say. So this is something that I just want to change, which is very difficult and all, and also a danger. it might actually, they might try to hurt me as well. Because it's really it's really, yeah. David Dias: [00:23:22] Yeah. You have people of power that take decisions that may not like someone from outside.
Ahmer Yasin: [00:23:30] Exactly. The ideas. Yeah. Okay. So basically, the biggest problem as I told you about is the QS and the bigger issue of the sense. There is no centralized databases and the main businessman's don't actually want to actually get in some, someone's gets into that business because it might've stopped there. Actually, what I could say there, there. The pipelines of money. So that's the problem they just want to urge. So this is, unfortunately, this is the bad thing I've ever faced because, why I think about this idea, the question is how I can think about this idea and how I'm getting it actually. unfortunately my mom was very sick, since from last four years and she has been suffering.
from different issues. Like she has diabetes since last 20 years ago. And she is actually suffering from, she was actually suffering from an infection in her foot. So the infection was huge. And I, I had a lots of. Difficulties just to get the right person on right time. So that is why I thought it is one of the biggest problem. What I faced. I know it means everyone is facing. So that's the point, what I've thought about, I just want to change this. If I'll achieve this, I might help so many peoples in future who give me hope, who will remember me in theater prayers. So that is why I was, I started and. My mom was actually admitted. Feud is in a hospital and she got operated twice and entire food. And after that, we have to move her into the ICU for furious. So I actually feel that pain. I felt that pain, but actually people fixing because I, I had that money so I can hire a good people. But the people who don't have a good money, the people who are actually earning and in small amounts who can not afford good doctors, what they will do.
Well, what they can do nothing. So that's mindset, give me innovativeness and that thing, actually, I was trying to make an AME about it. So I made a purpose. I designed that application and I said, I will at least try if I can. If I contract, I would ask myself what I've done for my country. Nothing. If I can, if I could change a one small thing to the people who will come in future in my country, they will definitely be some good about what about my people, my, my country, and about myself.
David Dias: [00:26:16] That is why that's incredible. I don't know what to say. It's, it's really noble, um, that you, you, you think like that and, um, And I, I really hope that you will find a way to succeed on that challenge because I think it's, it's really a big one. Um, and, and do you have like, reassure me, you have some people with you on that project, that, that one, the same that you want?
Ahmer Yasin: [00:26:45] yes. I have one of my friend who actually, um, Who actually helping me and who believes in my idea, because he also felt that same stuff and he lost her mother last week. And, sorry. It justified that the, the boy too is one of my closest friends and he actually with me and, you know, we have worked in this idea before our mother was actually got sick and he lost her mother and he was crying. at my shoulder that day, first time I saw him first time crying. Last time I saw him crying at my own shoulder and he says, how can I explain, man? That was really, you know, overwhelming. And I couldn't say exactly what about it. So he, yes, he is with me. And he's also trying to change this. And he's also very passionate about it.
So actually he forced me to do that stuff and he was actually, he was like my, my hands, you know, when I say something, does I just want to do that? Even a soccer working, he won't ask anything. So he's a guy who actually trust me. So that's why I choose that that person and who helped me to hire people who helped me to manage technology.
And I was the guy who was trying to make things operational in that specific product. So let's see hope for the best. If, if we might get sexist. I will try my best. I will give my 101 person for that, but if I get sexist about it, so I will definitely tell you about this product and idea, and
David Dias: [00:28:27] definitely, I'm sure I'm sure something good will come out from this for sure. Um, I'm sure about that. So, Help us to, to understand a little bit the context of where you live. We, you tell us a lot that even, I didn't know about Pakistan and things like that. So, but tell us about like, So people that want to become developers and how, like, how this works. Like, do you have university where people can learn computer science?
Do you have, how, how is the, the landscape, um, for people wanting to code in Pakistan?
Ahmer Yasin: [00:29:07] Okay. If it's a very good question. So right now, The unit, we have a huge, we have a very good university in Pakistan and especially in Karachi and Lahore and Islamabad, we have one of the best universities. It's probably worse because some of the initiatives that actually rank in the world ranking list.
And another thing is a video. The people who are here, they're actually trying to teach other people. you can't even believe in Pakistan. We have 47% growth on every six months freelancing and technology side. So we are actually growing very fast in a technology. And from the past to new areas, the lots of ecosystem and startups has been happen.
And we have changed a lot of stuff in technology. So I understand is not exactly what the media shows you. Pakistan is totally a different role. When you came here, you will definitely get chugged about it because media has told you about like Pakistan to have. Even, we don't have any even cars. We are actually walk. we are actually traveling on camels. No, that's not true. we do have easier. Yeah, we do have cameras. We liked it because we liked it, but we didn't get a chance to travel on there. On that specific album. It's it's really, it's really actually enjoy it. It's really. not exactly what it's looked like. Pakistan has, you know, one of the biggest, what I can say, the technology producing companies impact is in Pakistan. I can tell you the puny and if you can search about it, the one is not. So the another systems limited and. You know, the Kareem started here in Pakistan, the period who actually bought by Uber started here in Vegas.
We are here a few products who are, who have plans of like Uber, like Microsoft, like, like Cisco. And there's a team called in security.ai. Who have their clients, the biggest name of the world, like Microsoft, Cisco, and some of the huge names. What I can, I can also explain to them. And, you know, in Pakistan we have, from the past few years, we have like more than what I can say. 5,000 teachers on the programming. Different which different views and Pakistan president started a new program, which is called, Pakistan international intelligence. I can, I can exactly, send you the link, like P a I a C P I a C. Which is actually, belongs to the prime, president program where you can learn free of cost. Computer programming is specially for AI. We all eat. We all, we all studied artificial intelligence here. we do have people who develop, the fuel robots and who are actually trying to change the world. it is very interesting few days ago.
David Dias: [00:32:25] I'm curious, sorry. I'm curious to know like them in terms of salary, because in some countries like people working with web and all this stuff, they, they're pretty lucky to get like really high salaries in terms of nationwide in Pakistan. How, how a developer is in, in relationship to other jobs
Ahmer Yasin: [00:32:46] and in Pakistan, actually the average salary. like a mid-level software engineer is a $1,500. So when you convert into the Pakistani currency, it will be a good amount to actually live here because Pakistan is much cheaper country that other country, because if you want to live here, you can, you can get food where it integrates you because we produce everything here in terms of food and tubs of living style. It's very cheap. Even you can, you can afford luxuries here in the summertime. So it is an average salary here in Pakistan, like $1,500. Can you hear me? Yep.
David Dias: [00:33:30] Yes, Ahmer Yasin: [00:33:30] I can hear you. And another good thing is, we have a huge market of freelancing new rank would number fourth country. Who's producing the freelancers in the world. So we earn a lot from the freelancing. So as I earn, actually I had my last project. I had like $25,000. For which I completed in two months.
David Dias: [00:33:59] Wow. So Ahmer Yasin: [00:34:00] yes, you can, you can earn, you can earn a lot here as well. It's not a big deal. If you are a good program or you can earn anywhere in
David Dias: [00:34:11] the world. Yes, of course.
Ahmer Yasin: [00:34:14] Pakistan is one of the, basically technology producing countries. Uh,
David Dias: [00:34:20] so w w what do you think the. One of the biggest challenges that people in that domain of expertise may face. So I think you told me about internet that is not always reliable. Um, but what else, w what, what may be challenges that people face in general?
Ahmer Yasin: [00:34:48] Okay. the biggest challenge of, to be a web developer or maybe a programmer here is society tones, nothing else. Sorry. The thing is, all of them. The society, tones and ribs, nothing else, because we all like kind of a liberal people here who actually don't want you to, learn something and they want you to do job through that stuff. You know, that is kind of a society. Any of the things that's very good here, you know, every, what I can say, every a portrait is open. And if you want on something, anything, you will find a good mentor here because we do have a world-class that was meant to. That's true. you know, Pakistan, Pakistan is one of those countries who actually build the 4g. The 3g were using in mobile. So these tech, these technical guys are actually belongs to Pakistan who actually worked, worked for different countries, even, even we do have few peoples who are actually part of a five-year research team in China who was working with Havana. I know a few of them, so. That is true. We do have a lots of talent here and just people needs to understand this stuff. The V you know, the liberal people who don't want their son to learn something else, because there's a, there's a bad mindset. What kind of a mindset is that? Like, if my sons learn, if my son's complete has graduated, he just need to do a job. That's it. That's the mindset. They have, the people have it and you know, that mindset actually what I get to coach the people, the person's capabilities. So
David Dias: [00:36:28] it's not, it's not about passion and discovering new things. It's getting a
Ahmer Yasin: [00:36:32] job. Yes. It's, it's about getting a job because the people mindsets are, if you, if you just, just have a degree and you will get a good job, that's it. And you will get a good job. You will get married. You will have children's and happy families, small families, small life. So that's not actually the way people should think right now, the things are changing here in Pakistan, because time to time. whenever people actually are getting more educated, listening, more people worldwide because Wednesday in the, like the world webs connected, you understand the whole world. So everyone is trying to learn something good from others. So we are also do that same stuff and we are changing here stuff. So, so th you think,
David Dias: [00:37:16] do you think it's, it's one of the reason why some people, sometimes they. Want to go outside and have an experience in another country. You think that it's maybe the reason why some of them, take this decision?
Ahmer Yasin: [00:37:32] Yes. Yes, because it's, it's not about the money because people, people may have thought about that. He's going outside of the country just because of the money. No, that's not true. Because no one wants to live their family, leave their family behind. No, no one wants to. Of course, of course, if you have your mother, you don't want to leave her that's because, because mother's the only woman in the world who loves you a lot. So it's, it's, it's a stranger actually creates a creator of creator of God. So basically you don't want to leave your mother. We are going outside from our country just to learn new stuff. Another thing like what you are doing and, and some good education, like if, you know, the world's best universities, there are some people who just want it to show up.
I got a degree from the Oxford university and I got a degree from Stanford. It doesn't matter. He used it or she used it or not. He just wanted to show that's the one kind of people and another person's who actually wants to achieve something, got the business from outside, because like, we do have manpower and we need good business to do so.
Most of the good intrepreneurs go outside of the country to get good business, like good projects, go to stuff like we can double-dip we can produce, we can design. We can stitch. Even we can, what I can say. we can also construct, so that's why the, most of the people go outside to get the for us. This is the one reason also. But for individual, if I'm talking about the individual buyer who wants to go outside, the first basic reason is to go out from that mindset. What I talked to you about that mindset,
David Dias: [00:39:21] I may have a final question, but like, I want to thank you, Ahmer. Um, because like you shared with us today, a lot of. Your experience and what you're leaving, where you are in Pakistan, it's really implied, full, and really interesting to know more, um, about how it is, in your country, how it is to be a developer, how it is to, to be an interpreneur, um, share ideas and, and really leave with passion. Um, one of the question, I don't know if you ever thought about this, but how do you see yourself being in. Maybe like five years, like what, what's, what you can picture about yourself, where you want to be, what do you want to do to, to do, in like five years from now?
Ahmer Yasin: [00:40:12] Hmm. Activity to the way difficult cushions for everyone seems like, it seems like every, everyone who is actually giving the interview for a job. but also listen, that's cushion like, oh yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yes. It is a difficult question actually. when I can say a good entrepreneur or a good person, let's change his self time to time. So I cannot say the exact words, but, but it's, it's a part of that. A part of that. I do have an aim. I do have a purpose in my life. So in five years, what I see is that I can get, and she, if that is Pacific, what I can say, the aim in my life. So I want to see, I can say, I just wanna, I just wanna change my country a bit about it in technology. I want my, I want my people to be more educated about the technology. So in future, After viewers, I can see myself as a much more successful entrepreneur in the industry, and I might have a good pipelines of army for sure. I'll try my best for that. And. Offer that, an offer achieved that as specific a, what I want to achieve is I will try to serve something in education here based off the technology.
David Dias: [00:41:43] Well, as I was about to say is, I feel you would be a really good teacher, but not just teacher, but someone that could share his experience, what you've been doing today, sharing your experience and, and. And I share what you, you, you believe share your passion and inspire people. I think this is probably something you could, you could re be really good at, or you already are, but like in, in the coming years, um, maybe like doing conferences, this kind of things to younger people, it's broadly something that like you would enjoy doing.
Ahmer Yasin: [00:42:27] Yes, I would definitely try this. it is in my goal. To be like a, like kind of a motivational speaker, but, but much more practical motivation, pretty much a motivational speaker then others, you know, because I saw so many, so many motivational speakers who, who can only talk about it, but con implement the practically. So that is something what I see it's it's not a good thing in that mode, that kind of speakers. So yes, it isn't my goal. And another thing is you will be shocked. I was a teacher. Off a computer programming in one of the university in Karachi. And I knew it. I
David Dias: [00:43:05] knew it. I knew it.
Ahmer Yasin: [00:43:09] And I, I teach computer programming for almost 1.5 years there and free of cost. I did not charge a single penny for that. Just, just to actually, it was like my passion that Thailand and I spend my whole weekends there just to become a teacher, just to be a good teacher, just to try to teach things. And I produce almost 500 plus developers in that specific Teddy, yours, and the 50 of them are actually a gems approximately 50. I can not say the exact 50. And those all are actually doing very good jobs in industry. And few of them are actually doing jobs in foreign countries like Germany in us. One of my soul was in Canada. I don't know where he is right now. And a few of my female students are actually a full-stack devil represent different firms. And one of my boys, what I can say, he he's like my younger brother. I really enjoyed being teaching him because he was very curious about everything. Uh he's he wasn't so DIA, he just came back for a few months here. So he's an Android developer. So yes, I want a teacher as well. And you, you got me actually.
David Dias: [00:44:33] It's like, I knew he knew something like that. Awesome. I mean, um, thank you so much, for, for being with me today and sharing all that story for the world. Web stories podcast. Um, I hope like we, maybe one day we will meet somewhere in the world. Um, and I wish you, I wish you all the success possible, with the, the ideas and the projects that you have.
I think it's, it's like, Pakistan probably need more people like you. Um, but I'm, I'm really sure that something good will come out from anything you will, you will do in the, in the, in the next future. Um, I'm, I'm sure about that. Thank you so much for being with me today. Um, and, yeah, talk to you soon.
Ahmer Yasin: [00:45:27] And most, most it's really pleasant to be here. And thank you so much for inviting me. Dammit. It's really, it's really a nice discussion I've ever had in any of my podcast. Uh,
David Dias: [00:45:38] I'm really glad. Thank you so much. I really enjoyed this discussion. Thank you so much. Thank you. Bye
Ahmer Yasin: [00:45:46] bye.
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About our guest
Rana Ahmer Yasin
I'm Co-founder & CEO at "TDX Labs". Over the last 7+ years, I have been working on web and mobile application world, especially iOS, Android and MEAN & MERN stack for web also have an expertise LAMP stack, I also have extensive experience on cloud computing and deployments like AWS-EC2 Digitalocean and many more. I am passionate and curious about startups, technologies and new ideas that disrupt existing industries and ways of thinking.